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Needed Items for SVWC
SVWC welcomes and greatly appreciates your donations for specific items to be purchased for the club. The needed items and cost for each are listed below. To purchase, simply submit the form below.
Items needed:
-TV for anouncements with mount: $387
This will allow us to communicate with parents and visitors important announcements regarding practice, tournaments, events, and other important information
-Annual fee for check-in software: $804
This will allow us to handle membership check in more effectively and efficiently
-TV for Technique; able to chromecast from your phone: $515
This will allow us to show wrestlers important technique and allow the coaching staff to expand on the ways were able to teach new skills
-Gym Wall Art: $515
This will provide more branding in the training facility and help wrestlers take pride in their training facility
-SVWC "Top Team" Travel Warm Ups: $1,262
This will allow us to provide matching team warm ups for our travel team at tournaments/events
-"Sole Mat" Complete Set: $361
The Sole Mat provides for a cleaner mat surface which will extend the life of our wrestling mats
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